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PANORAMA (Video, silent, 1mn33s, 2007)

Tourner autour du pittoresque pour tenter de le voir, griffer le premier plan pour bloquer la vue, obstruer le panorama.
Dans les premières images, un village apparaît de manière fulgurante, juste assez de temps pour pouvoir l'identifier malgré les heurts de l’image. Juste avant que l’écran ne redevienne noir, le même village réapparaît mais vu de bien plus loin. Entre-temps s'est déroulé un trajet derrière le grillage des arbres, la griffure des branches.
Derrière les hachures, ce n'est pas seulement le paysage qui s'éloigne, c'est la représentation qui s'écarte.
L'oeil glisse sur la matière de l'écran, l'écran de la matière.

To circle around the picturesque in an attempt to see it.
The scratched foreground blocks the view and obstructs the panorama.
In the very first seconds of the video, a village appears in a dazzling way, giving us just enough time to be able to identify it despite the clashes in the image. Right before the screen turns black again, the same village reappears, but seen from far away. In the meantime, there was a journey behind the fences of the trees, the clawing of the branches.
Behind the scratches, it is not only the landscape that moves away, it is the representation that becomes estranged.
Panorama, history of the visible and history of its disfigurement.
The stripes of the trees seem to be on the very surface of the images, as their sequence blocks any deep vision. The eye glides on the materiality of the screen, the screen of the materiality.

« We didn’t go anywhere, Joe said. We’re where we’ve always been. But for some reason—one of many possible—the reality has taken a step back; it has lost its support, its seat, and it has receded into earlier forms. »

Ubik, Philip K. Dick.